Download Scope of comparative religion 2014 year in review

I am glad to contribute a foreword to Dr. Srivastava's well documented, comprehensive work on Comparative Religion. Until the advent of sceinece, religion was the most important force moulding and regulating the lives of civilized human beings, by ordering and organizing the values for them. The march of the physical and biological sciences, and later on of such other sciences as psychology and anthropology, posed a challenge both to the theoretical bases of religious beliefs and to the value-systems propagated by different religions. The mutual differences of religions constituted another factor that undermined the authority of religion as such. However, the triumph of science over religion proved to be short-lived as science seemed impotent to furnish man with the values needed for the direction of his life. Nationalism and several socio-political creeds have equally failed to bring fulfillment to man's unbounded aspiration for meaningful life. The situation has encouraged rethinking among the votaries of the more important religions giving rise to reinterpretations of diverse religious lores on the one hand and to comparative religion on the other. This is not to say that the challenge of science has been entirely pointless. It is difficult to persuade the modern man to believe that any of the world's scriptures, that often speak with discordant voices and occasionally make factually erroneous assertions, is a revelation from an omniscient source. It is equally difficult to-day to maintain the dogmas of creationism, supernaturalism and salvation in an "other" world. In these respects science and humanism seem to have effectively replaced traditional religions. Writing as a typical Hindu scholar Prof. Srivastava is able to treat of different religion with understanding and sympathy, viewing them as expressions of a single spiritual quest; his search for scope of comparative religion 2014 year in review universal religion derives inspiration from such Hindu sages, teachers and scholars as Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Gandhi, Bhagavan Das and Radhakrishnan.

Comparative Religion
Comparative Christianity: A Student's Guide to a Religion and its Diverse Traditions
Master's Degree | Graduate Degrees | Areas of Study | Department of Religious Studies | Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences | University of Denver